This page provides thoughts about English-Sundanese translation that need to be considered by any Sundanese translator. As far as my experience on translating, editing, and validating the Sundanese translations for the last 5 years, there are many fundamental problems found. Here are some topics that raised to be discussed. I will probably write articles about the topics.
- Being a Native Sundanese Isn’t Enough
- Sundanese Latin Letters and Their Sounds
- Word Registers
- Available Dictionaries
- Spotting the Translation Errors
- Latest Standard Grammar Book
- Morphology and Affixation
- Why E Acute (é/É) is matter?
- Emphasis Words (téh, téa, mah)
- Written and Spoken Language
- Prepositions vs. Prefixes (di, ti, ka, na, dina, tina, kana, ti nu, di nu, ka nu)
- Enclitic -na vs. Preposition na
- “Indonesized” words
- Printed Book Publishing
- Sundanese Translated Books
- Encyclopedia of Sundanese
- Educational Curriculum in West Java
- Freelance Translators and Their Common Problems
- Style of Translation
- Unnatural vs Natural translations
- Sundanese or Sudanese?