Collected by Ilham Nurwansah, drawing by Pandu Wibisono
(published on IJHS Newsletter Issue 14 p. 5-6, 2012)
Once upon a time, in Cirama Girang village, with its very fertile land to grow the paddies, there were two large communities living on one of the two mountains that surrounded the village, about a mile apart. Each group had a great supernatural leader who ruled every aspect of the life of the people. The first community was led by Embah Congkrang Buana, who lived in Mount Congkrang on the north side of village. The other was the community of Embah Khaer Panawungan, who lived on Mount Panawungan on the east side of the village.
Over time these communities grew up into bigger and stronger societies and their territories grew larger and larger, until at one point their borders became very uncertain. As happens, a small territorial claim then became a point of conflict that became a small fight, which became bigger and bigger until they could not avoid an all-out war.
So many people died in that war, but neither great leader of the communities wanted to see their people lose. Finally, they sought the advice of the wise man of Cirama Girang village, who called for a conference to discuss the territorial problem. They argued for some time, but the ego of both representatives would not let them see reason. The wise man then gave an alternative way to solve this problem. So that no one else would become a victim of the conflict the decision as to who would gain the new territory was to be decided by a cock fight. To the winner would go the territory and all of the natural resources. But the loser would have to stay in their small former area on the mountain and would agree not to disturb the winner society, and that was agreed.
On 7th July, 1908 the rooster fight was held. Each side brought their best fighting rooster that they believed would win the fight and get the whole territory. This, however, was not to be an ordinary fight, for the leaders would use the cock as a medium for their supernatural powers. It was a long fight for they fought for two days. As long as the fight continued the people supported their fighter with music. All day they played their palm karinding and celempung, along with the other percussion instrument, helping their champions to grow their fighter spirit with dynamic rhythms. In the end it was the rooster of Embah Khaer won the fight, the victory and the prize. As agreed the loser, Embah Congkrang Buana moved back to their former place.
For a while, the agreement was accepted by the loser. However, several days after the fight the people of Embah Congkrang Buana looked for revenge on the Embah Khaer’s society. They began to throw hundreds even thousands of rocks at Mount Panawungan, where the Embah Khaer lived, using their supernatural powers. The rocks, though, only reached half way and fell into the middle of Cirama Girang village, making a large hill that became known as Pasir Naringgul or Rock Hill. And so it is called today.

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